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International Society for the
Study of Vascular Anomalies

Enjolras Travel Award

Odile Enjolras Travel Award

Odile Enjolras, MD Travel Award for Promising Investigators in the Field of Vascular Anomalies.

In the spirit of Dr. Enjolras, this award is intended for applicants who have demonstrated interest in propagating knowledge and treatment in the field of Vascular Anomalies in underserved areas. The travel award is intended to offset fees for registration and travel an individual who can prove their participation in the clinical care of patients with vascular anomalies and/or published research. One travel award will be granted for the 22nd ISSVA Workshop to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 29-June 1, 2018.

Paradigms include:

  • Introduction of a new model for training or treatment.
  • Development of a new protocol for evaluation or treatment
  • Establishment of a treatment facility in their country.
  • Creation of a Training Module, published chapter, or other specific evidence of prior interest in vascular tumors or malformations

In order to accomplish these goals, the award recipient is expected to attend both the Primer Course on Tuesday, 29 May, along with the full Workshop, which runs from 30 May to 1 June 2018.


The applicant need not be an active member of ISSVA, however must demonstrate a commitment to the field of vascular anomalies and a motivation/interest in becoming an ISSVA member.


Applications and all supporting materials (including Mentor Letter) should be submitted by December 1, 2017. The awardee will be notified by January 8, 2018.

Candidates can be postdoctoral fellows, students, trainees, residents, clinical fellows or faculty (M.D., M.D./Ph.D., Ph.D., or the equivalent).

The Award will cover:

  1. Registration fees for the Workshop and Pre-Meeting Primer Course (both of which the awardee is expected to attend)
  2. The ISSVA Workshop Social Program and Gala Dinner
  3. Stipend up to $1000.00 towards travel and housing for the Workshop (receipts for economy fare transportation and housing are required for reimbursement)

Candidates who are recipients of another travel award/grant are ineligible to apply for support to attend the ISSVA Workshop, and cannot be a previous recipient of the Odile Enjolras Award.

A summary documenting how your participation in the ISSVA Workshop has impacted the care of patients with vascular anomalies in your country/institution will be requested the year following the meeting.

Applicants for this award should submit:

1) Travel Award application (Download the Application)

2) 300 word (or less) statement describing the applicant’s qualifications for this award

3) Curriculum Vitae

4) Recommendation Letter