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International Society for the
Study of Vascular Anomalies


This page contains resources for physicians, researchers, allied health and patients or their families.

Find a Multidisciplinary Team

ISSVA believes that a team environment is the optimum setting for managing the complex problems which arise in treating vascular anomalies so we have created a list of Multidisciplinary Teams. However, quality of care varies, even among multidisciplinary teams and ISSVA recognizes this, however there are limitations on what ISSVA can do to assess the quality of care in every team.

Find a Specialist

If you are looking for a specialist who treats vascular anomalies, our Find a Specialist page is a great start. This listing include all members who have opted in to allow their information to be shown on the public side of the website; some members have selected to keep their information hidden so this is not a complete list of members.

Patient Advocacy Groups

Since the establishment of ISSVA in 1992, collaborations have been integral to the growth, awareness and improved diagnosis and treatment of patients with vascular anomalies. In addition to fostering collaboration amongst individual members representing a wide variety of specialties and geographic regions, ISSVA also networks with patient advocacy organizations. These organizations support ISSVA's initiatives and are a key contributor to providing patients with valuable educational resources while advocating for individuals with vascular anomalies. Find a Patient Advocacy Organization.


The Classification was updated in 2018 and the full Classification can be accessed online. The updated classification was approved at the May, 2018 General Assembly in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Other Resources

In addition to the above listed resources and patient advocacy groups, there are other organizations and networks that support the vascular anomalies community. Learn More About Other Networks & Resources in the field of vascular anomalies.